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Build Customer Trust to Increase Ecommerce Sales

build customer trust to increase ecommerce sales

If you are an ecommerce beginner this is for you! When wanting to create an ecommerce business it is important that you are passionate about the industry that you are in. You have to understand about the loopholes of market and the strategies.

Lower graph of the sales are the main problem faced by experts, Intermediates and the beginners.

So, how do we increase our sales?

Is it a simpler task to be done?

As we all know, the sales in a business are completely in the hands of customers. Customers play the vital role in success of a business. Building customers trust and make them convincible are the crucial method to raise the sales and to create more loyal customer base. For a new beginning of your ecommerce sales strategy, please have an eye on the points listed below.


business transparency

“Transparency” is the key way of creating trust. Being transparent will make your business more convincible around the globe. It helps to built confidence in customers.

By laying out the truth about your products and services, including their limitations, you’ll prove that you are not trying to hide any defects or drawbacks. Post the warranty information and the instructions up to date as per the product models. Be like an open book to customers for understanding their needs and to do it in right manner.

When your customer felt that you are genuine, they may feel comfortable to work with you.

A professional Website

professional online store

To reach to customers are the next step to follow in strategies, keep a professional website or build an ecommerce website to reach in customers and vice versa. Use the social media platform wisely to make reach for your web pages and websites. Your websites must be unique in design with eye catchy colours and functionality. Also the website must be user friendly for a customer who visits. Use latest technology in website to make it efficient and faster.

Always be active and visible which makes you easily reachable and it creates strong bond with customers. The more frequently you expose your brand, the faster you’ll be able to build that trust.

For example, still many of the online retailers follow the old ecommerce platform like magento 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 etc using old templates.

Focus on your Existing Customers

focus on your existing customers

When businesses going through hard time, most of them immediately comes to a conclusion that it’s because the lack of new customers for them.

This is a common misconception, so don’t jump to this conclusion. Instead of focusing all your efforts on finding new customers, you should target on your existing customers.

Give more offers, discounts, credit points, privilege online cards to customers to make them purchase from the store again.

For Example: Give an offer for a particular time period for the customers who purchase more than a fixed amount ($2500). So the offer includes that the customer can purchase worth for $100/Month for the next 4 months. This makes them purchase from the store consecutively.

Relationship through Content

creative content writing

Content is a powerful tool for connecting with new users, who have no idea who you are. Content can help customers get more familiar with your brand and it helps to show the personality behind your brand.

If your contents seems interesting to consumers, they will definitely go through it and look forward for your next piece.

This makes the consumers feel like they really know you and can trust you. Your writing style must be unique and better than the competitive contents So you will draw the attention of consumers.

Offer Discounts

offer discount

It may sound simple, but not enough companies are offering discounts to their customers.

When a customer checks an online store and he/she found that the store have discount for products, they will definitely go through the store.

Everyone loves getting a good deal, so this is a great way to drive sales.

For Example: If a customer purchase from the store and refer any new customer, the customer who referred will get a discount on the next purchase.

Detailed Product Information

detailed product information

The more customers know about what they’re about to buy, the more likely they are to actually going ahead and purchase it.

Description must be clear and some things to consider adding your products descriptions include:

  • Measurement of item
  • Weight
  • Manufacturing material / Ingredients
  • Warranty information
  • Individual product features

These information gives an exact figure of product they going to buy. Update the latest information about the products from the vendors and make the products up to date. This will help in increasing your stores accuracy which in turn achieves customers trust.

Promotion holiday sales and games

promotion holiday sales and games

Special events are always beautiful; people are looking to shop and spend money more than any other day of the year. So sites must be actively promoted on holiday sales. Give consumers an open chance for big sales by breaking out the best offers during this time of year.

Event games can also be added into store which in turn increases the anxiety in consumers to play them and score. Using the score points give discount to the consumers as per the fixations. It will tend them to buy from the store.

During this time of the year shopping malls are packed, so it’s more convenient to shop from home. So it will be your advantage. Send out emails to your subscriber list to entice them to buy during the holiday season.

Keep in mind people are buying gifts for friends and family as well as themselves. Promote your products accordingly.

Showcase the top selling products

showcase the top selling products

Give your customers some direction. Let consumers know what all are people buying the most. Include a best seller category to your store. It may help customer to find their desired product easily.

Not everyone browsing your site will know exactly what they’re looking for, If your store sells a wide range of different products, it can be overwhelming, especially for a new customer.

When someone stumbles upon your site, they may get drawn to products that are popular. You can also take this opportunity to promote products with highest margins.

Even if they aren’t actually your top sellers (nobody needs to know that), you can put them on your ecommerce store homepage. In a perfect world, your top selling products are also your most profitable products, so try to make that happen if you make adjustments to increase profit margins.

Chat support

live chat support

Chat support is one of the simplest and quicker ways to access you. Include chat support to give good support to your customer.

Eliminate friction with the customers; Good communication is a two-way channel. Whenever there is a one-sided conversation, the communication loses its value and impact.

When customer visits to your ecommerce store, definitely they have the doubts to choose which product right according to their requirement. If you arrange a chat support, they can ask and you can give good offers to the new customers

Listen to the customer and let them know that someone is taking to make their experience better.

Hire an ecommerce specialist

hire an ecommerce specialist

Hiring an ecommerce specialist is not such a big deal. It makes your works lot easier and accurate. By hiring an ecommerce specialist you can save your time and efforts. They will deliver great results on time and this will helps to build your store’s accuracy and consistency. You need not worry about the huge data’s from vendors; an ecommerce specialist is mastered to handle huge data’s in short span of time with the latest technology available.

Implement Layered Navigation

According to the new Google updates, Good UX can impact your Google rankings. Good Layered navigation will helpful to choose their perfect product without time delay and they can go faster.

Consistency and changes

consistency and changes

Consistency is one of the important fact in building customers confidence. To be consistent with the customers help the store to draw the attention of the market and client through mouth publicity by the existing customers. Consistency keeps your company profile in safe heights.

You’ll win your customers’ trust and foster greater relationships if you keep them up-to-date on changes (good or bad) happening within your company. Reassure customers by reviewing what they've said and confirming you got it right before working on the answer or solution.

Be timely and responsive

Responding as quickly as possible to customer requests and emails is not just a suggestion, it should be a requirement. According to a 2015 survey, 42 percent of customers who contacted a company via email or phone expected a response within one hour.

The customer service defines an online store and allows it to flourish in the competitive market. The customers’ expectations from your service are the key point to build a trust worthy record. Always quick solutions for the problems, sudden replies and feedbacks, adopt customer centric stance on problem solving are the major things to take care of.

Keep customers posted, Let them know the status of their requests or orders regularly to build their confidence in your process, Follow up on major issues.

Publish Customer Reviews and Testimonials

publish customer reviews and testimonials

No matter how trustworthy your brand, consumers will almost always trust other consumers reviews more than companies. That’s because they know that no matter how unbiased you may try to be, you’re ultimately going to position your brand in a positive light.

Post the tale about your legacy of voyage in your social media pages and websites which in turn makes them convincible. Customers are paying attention to the feedbacks, comments, rating from other customers.

Negative feedbacks and comments from your blog and pages may be tempting, but you should consider battling those temptations and grow by overcoming the critics.

So providing the social evidence and events makes the company profile much genuine and globally acceptable.

Strategies and Policies

Policies of the store must be clear and exact, make sure it’s prominent to exhibit in store website to draw customers attention and to make them aware about it. Avoid legal and difficult words or phrase usage that makes customer confuse when composing your strategies.

Keep the promises you make

Making sure that whatever is promised to the customers is delivered key to customer satisfaction. When services promised are not delivered, the customer feels cheated and loses faith. If there are reasons that services are not going to be delivered as expected, make sure your customer understands why.

Never ever make a promise that you can’t do, it’s an inevitable factor of building confidence in customers.

Customers must be safe

customers must be safe

Safety is a top priority for customers. One of the first things you have to make sure that your website is safe and secure. Cyber security is the major concern for shoppers these days.

Consumers are worried about losing their personal data’s like credit card information, phone numbers etc. One way to flush this out is by using security-boosting apps, which adds a protection layer to prevent the data loses.

They want to understand that the data’s provided by them are in safe hands. So inform the costumers by displaying security badges to your websites Use reputable and secure payment suppliers and communicate the privacy policies prominently to earn the client confidence. Customers also want their operations to be performed in a risk-free manner.

Stay professional always

Never email or chat with customers like they’re your friends. Use supportive phrases to customers that make you closer to them. With all these, customers can measure how professional you?

Wisely choose your partner

Choosing the right vendors at the right time will lead you to earn the profit you desired. So all you need is the customer confidence, it is the first aspect that comes to your mind when you are planning for a business.

Thank your customers

thank your customers

One way to create a positive experience for customers is always to say “thank you.” Kindness and gratitude for a client’s business are a sure way to further engage them for the long term.

Essentially, the goal is to put your customers first and to make sure that those customers know they’re your top priority. When you accomplish this goal, you can be confident that customer trust and loyalty will follow closely behind.


So we have seen what all things should be taken care of for the better sales and to gain the customer trust. Hope you are aware about the facts that make you more flexible in ecommerce industry.

Do you agree with this? You can add your own ideas along with this for your better business. Ideas are not running out anywhere, it will bud in the best brains among us. Push yourself beyond your limits to achieve your goal and take it as a challenge. So try this, it will definitely defines your business to whole new level.

Now it’s your turn to show how good you are in your business.